Vor kurzem releaste Jebroer seinen Track zusammen mit Harris & Ford „The Master“ und nun ist er bei uns im Interview!

Er ist einer der Durchstarter der vergangenen Jahre, er mixt Rap und wie kein anderer. Sein Sound ist rough, gradeaus und ehrlich genauso ist er. Davon könnt ihr euch nun selbst im Interview überzeugen. Er erzählt uns zu seinem neuen Track, wie er mit der aktuellen Situation umgeht, wie er als junger Mensch aus der Krise gefunden hat und vieles mehr!
Ravepedia: Congratulations on your new release ‘The Master’ with Harris & Ford! What was your Inspiration behind the track?
Jebroer: Thanks! We followed the dark vibe of the music. It’s about a voice in your head that tells you what to do. Right or wrong. I am that voice in this track. Mostly activating your bad side. Haha!
Ravepedia: How was it to work with Harris & Ford in the Corona-Situation?
Jebroer: We made this track a year ago together in a writing camp in Amsterdam. There was no Corona at the time.

Ravepedia: How are you dealing with the current ‘Rona Situation? Do you think we will have shows this year?
Jebroer: To be honest, I think if there is a change for shows it will be in the last period of 2021. Besides every time i speak my thoughts about it, i get censored or get a lot of shit over me but i’m not superman that can save the world and i feel hopeless sometimes.
Ravepedia: On NYE you played a small show in the Netherlands. How did it come to this and how did you guys manage to execute this during these times? We truly wanted to be there as in Germany no social or cultural events are currently allowed.
Jebroer: I was booked by an organization in a part of Den Haag where they have a lot of problems every new year because there is a lot of damage with the fireworks etc. They made a deal with the mayor to do a demonstration kind of thing to keep the neighborhood quiet. I was there for the good vibes and it worked. Everybody was happy except for the people that didn’t know what was going on on the background.
Ravepedia: What are your plans for the remainder of 2021? Do you have further new music in the pipeline?
Jebroer: On February 12th, i release the third track from my English album “Six”. This is a collaboration with Blasterjaxx; The album will be released with the fourth single, I can’t wait man! I worked so hard to get here!
Ravepedia: What inspires you when writing music and creating a story to tell? For instance, in ’Child of the Devil‘ you are talking about your own story, is this always the case?
Jebroer: The music guides me in the direction. I just do whatever i feel, straight from the dome.
Ravepedia: Do you believe that music has brought you to the right way/ led you on the right path?
Jebroer: One hundred percent, i really don’t know where i would be without music.
Ravepedia: Do you have any tips for young people who may be unsure what direction they are headed in, or how to stay focused and on the right path?
Jebroer: Don’t follow me, follow your dreams. When somebody tells you that you “cannot” do something? Prove them wrong. Don’t work harder work smarter.

Ravepedia: What event or country can you not wait to play/ visit once this is all over?
Jebroer: Guys, I miss shows so much. Right now, I’m just ready for whatever. The energy of a big crowd right now would give me a tear on the cheek man. Fuck. I Want It NOW!
Ravepedia: And, finally, do you have a message for your German fans, and a favorite memory you could share with us?
Jebroer: Yes, I’m seeing my following grow in Germany. I want to thank every single one of you. We are just getting started. Let’s pray for the world. Stay safe please.
Thank you for your time, Jebroer!
Seinen aktuellen Track „The Master“ findet ihr als Stream & Download hier!*
Schaut euch unbedingt sein aktuelles Album „SezSechsSix„. Das Album ist in drei Sprachen erschienen, nämlich in Niederländisch, Deutsch und Englisch!
Weitere Infos zu Jebroer und ein Interview aus früheren Zeiten findet ihr hier!