Newcomer DUBOSS im Ravepedia Interview zu seinen Tracks, Shows und und und

DUBOSS ist Newcomer und hat grad seinen Track „Voyage Voyage“ mit Imanbek veröffentlicht. Wir haben ihn zum Track, Shows, Sport und vielem mehr im Interview befragt.

„Voyage Voyage“ ist der perfekte Track für die Zeit in der wir grade leben, er handelt vom Reisen und ist ein Edit des 80er Jahre Klassikers von Desireless. Eine moderne Interpretation mit Trance-Synth-Sounds und Slap House Groove.

Wir haben den in Singapore lebenden DUBOSS zu allen grad wichtigen Themen rund um ihn und die derzeitige Zeit befragt.

Hier kommt unser Interview mit DUBOSS:

How did you get the name DUBOSS? Does it have a special meaning?

It comes from a pun with the words “DUB” and “BOSS” as I always liked to play the dub versions of the releases, which were usually on the B side of the records.

What was your first festival or club visit? What is your special memory of it?

(c) Duboss

When I was 14, I used to party at local clubs in Mallorca. I really loved to listen to the music I loved at high volume. Also, just the atmosphere with the lights and lasers. It was very special.

Where do you get the inspiration for your music from? 

I’ve always listened to a lot of music. Nowadays with the digital music platforms this is easier than ever. I think this is the key, so when I play an instrument, a melody comes to my mind immediately. 

Who is your favorite DJ?

I have many! But if I have to name a few, Oliver Heldens or Don Diablo for example.

Tell us something about your new track „Voyage, Voyage“ together with Imanbek? Where did you meet Imanbek?

I met him online, like everyone nowadays, I guess. I liked his productions and got in touch with him to offer him to collaborate on my single. He is very talented!

You are very sporty, do you have a workout tip for our readers?

(c) Duboss

I was at a workout weekend in Thailand back in March and when we finished, we went to a beach club. I left my sports watch on and started dancing since the DJ was very good. I was very surprised to see that I was burning a lot of calories, even more than with the normal workout I had just done. So, my tip would be to just dance. Dance a lot!

You live in Singapore, how is the pandemic handled there?

It is very controlled and quite safe fortunately. However, I won’t be able to travel this summer as restrictions are still in place.

You like to travel, will you still travel this year? 

I hope so, yes! Hopefully after the summer I can visit Europe to see my family and friends.

Were there any shows planned by you in 2020 that have now unfortunately been cancelled?

Unfortunately yes, at a local club and I was also invited to Hydeout Festival in Singapore together with another DJ.



„Voyage Voygae (Imanbek Edit“

out now

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